Additive manufacturing makes aeronautics fly higher

MOU signed between Magnaghi Aeronautica Group, global leader in landing systems and composite wing and moveable control surfaces and Roboze

The future of aeronautics and additive manufacturing at the International Paris Air Show: new MOU signed between Magnaghi Aeronautica Group, global leader in landing systems and composite wing and moveable control surfaces and Roboze, global leader in 3D printing technology for advanced super polymers and composites.

In the aviation industry, additive manufacturing has opened up new possibilities and revolutionized several aspects of the design and production of low-weight, complex aircraft components without compromising structural capability and safety. Until now, however, polymers 3D printing applications have been exclusively for interiors. Roboze and Magnaghi have been collaborating for some time to change this paradigm with the goal of soon entering the production for class 3 and 2 landing gear components while standardizing the manufacturing and qualification approach of the 3D printing technology.

Magnaghi vision has always been centered on innovation and the development of cutting-edge design and production methods.

“We are extremely excited about the partnership with Roboze – says Paolo Graziano Ceo of MAGROUP. “Magnaghi offers their historical knowledge and competence in aeronautics combined with the continuous search for innovative technological opportunities for our products to offer to our customers around the world. With Roboze competence in 3D printing technology and materials science, we are convinced that together we will give a strong acceleration to the adoption of additive manufacturing in the aeronautical sector.”

Alessio Lorusso, Ceo & Founder of Roboze, says: “In Magnaghi we find a partner who can make a difference for the future of 3D printing in the aeronautical sector. Its historical specialization will allow us to be faster and more targeted in the validation of new applications and in the development of innovative materials useful for expanding the advantages of additive manufacturing in Europe and worldwide.”


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